
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beauty Tips That Add Up To Spectacular Brides

Share with us your favorite beauty are a few of mine for brides and bridesmaids.

Being frazzled up to the last minute does not equate to an elegant and beautiful bride.  You want to get everything done ahead so you can take it easy and pamper yourself the last several days. Too many last things to do toward the wedding, the wrong foods, not enough rest and drinking alcohol all show up on your face the day of your wedding.
Make-up is a wonderful thing, but it can only do so much.  Here are a few suggestions:

1.  Tips for your skin - shampooing your hair in the shower allows the water to cascade down over the face.  Find a new method to shampoo and rinse that keeps this off your facial skin. Most hair shampoos are so strong, they can scrub your tub. Many ladies complain that it make their skin breakout and never let the color rinse or  color treatments get on your face.  Drinking lots of water and good amounts of fresh veggies and fruits bring a glow to your skin.  Because toxins store in the lower tract, keep the lower tract clear, and daily or bi-daily exercise will bring a healthy glow to your skin and firmness to your body. Always cleanse the face before retiring for the night. Perspiration, makeup and dirt will go down in the pours at night. The back of the neck receives major dirt from the hair.  If you work at a computer, this electric device draws dirt and dust to your body.  

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2.  Tip on dieting - many of us go on extreme diets, cutting out various foods, drinks etc.  These changes in habits are what is needed for a diet, BUT nearing the time of the wedding, there are parties, rehearsal dinners where we introduce food and drinks back into our bodies.....these can have a very adverse affect on our system.  Small amounts of these "new foods/drinks" can cause major headaches, stomach aches, nausea and the jitters - so be aware.

There are several articles on health, beauty and apparel on We have links to skin and makeup professionals in most cities on

3.  Tip for photographs - Make-up artists are a great idea so you can gain a better visual impact on your wedding photos.  It is surprising how a white dress can fade out our natural appearance.

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4.  Traveling for your destination wedding or honeymoon??  The airlines are very determined we do not bring specific size items off hair and skin (solutions) aboard.  Place what you will need in smaller plastic bottles. Check with the airlines for what is recommended, where it may be carried and what is not allowed.  

5.  There are many beautiful wedding veil ideas available. Look for the styles and sheerness that allows people to see your glow.  Sometimes brides walk the aisle and no one can see how happy and beautiful they are because the veil overwhelms they and their dress.

P.S. A series of facials scheduled months in advance of your wedding date will do a lot to add to your glow. Always see a trained and certified professional that uses the best products and offers years of experience. No matter how much of a do it yourself gal you are, please find a great pro in your neighborhood.  Do not leave this to just before the wedding.

For your honeymoon make-up - remember the sun blocks, a small medical kit and any medications - we have great travel articles, ideas and input on romantic travel on

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